samedi 28 avril 2007

Only women bleed

What does femininity mean? Success in the "man's world"? Motherhood? Dresses? I have come across so many different conceptions of the ideal women. Let us just say that the sexual objectification that seems to plague so many budding young women's minds does not fit the bill. Being a woman.... There is the old conflict of the old and the new--stay at home or stay at work. Having both probably is not a question of planning; we cannot plan life. But I think the key may lie in cognition. Recognize when your spirit tells you that one area needs your energy. Recognize when one area or another would give you more satisfaction. Priorities will shift, as they are wont to do. But be flexible. And do not lose sense of yourself. A woman's strength lies in her self-awareness, and pride. Pride in work, love, life.

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